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Brain Tumors In Children: It’s Symptoms and Early Diagnosis

Sri Jayendra Puri Mahaswamiji

Dr.Venkataramana N K

Raja Rajeswari temple and the Mutt is a well-known land mark in Bangalore, especially on the Mysore Road. Based on this a huge residential colony got established as Raja Rajeswari nagar over time. His Holiness Sri Jayendra Puri Swamiji, a spiritual Guru, is a disciple of His Holiness Sri Tiruchi Mahaswamigal, who was a disciple of His Holiness Sri Shivapuri Baba. Sri Tiruchi Swamiji established Sri Kailash Ashrama in April 1960. Apparently he had a Darshan of goddess Raja Rajeswari devi and got inspired to build the Kailash Ashram. He had a huge following. He was spiritually quite advanced and provided guidance and training to many Swamijis of various mutts. Presently Sri Jayendra Puri is the Peethadhipathi and chief pontiff of Sri Kailash Ashrama Mahasamsthana Trust and all its affiliates. Born on 20th of October 1960, grew up learning scriptures and transformed into an auspicious blessing for humanity. Right from infancy, Swamiji experienced success in all aspects of life. Yet something was missing as there was a strange hollowness. His first exposure to Hindu scriptures was at the age of 27. What was amazing was that when Sri Swamiji read the scriptures for the first time, he felt as though they were known to him and seemed so familiar. Gradually the apparent void began to fill. That has driven him to spiritual path and then the destiny driven his way to Sri Kailash Ashrama in 1987, to seek guidance on the divine path from Sri Tiruchi Mahaswamiji . At the very first instance in the presence of Tiruchi Swamiji he realised immediately that he had found his Guru in him. The inner feeling was there and there was not an iota of doubt or conflict in his mind. Sri Jayendrapuri swamiji then humbly expressed his innate desire of life is to experience the divinity and beauty of the Divine Mother.

To achieve the goal he felt total renunciation in the form of sanyasa was essential or mandatory. Listening to his desire and looking at his strong commitment Sri Tiruchi swamiji asked him to stay in the Ashram and continue his Sadhana. He requested Swamiji to initiate him into spirituality. However, Swamiji told him to wait for his turn. A month later, Swamiji has guided him to Haridwar to learn Sanskrit and the Scriptures and to be there in service to his holiness Sri Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Prakashanandji Maharaj. Just before he started he was inducted into the system and tradition with the robes of brahmacharya. He lived in Haridwar and North India for seven and-a-half years. Early in 1989, before the Allahabad Kumbh Mela, he wrote to Sri Tiruchi Seamiji , again seeking for proper initiation into sanyasa. Sri Tiruchi swamiji finally gave permission with instructions that the ceremony in Haridwar will be conducted by Sri Tiruchi swamiji himself as his Guru. Accordingly he was formally initiated. In Haridwar, Sri Jayendra Puri Mahaswamiji kept to himself and performed his disciplines well. On completing his duties and study, he returned to Sri Kailash Ashrama Mahasamsthana to serve Devi Sri Rajarajeshwari Mata and his Guru, His Holiness Sri Tiruchi swamiji. On 11th December 2003, Sri Jayendra Puri was annointed by His Holiness Sri Tiruchi swamiji as the Peethadipathi of Sri Kailiash Ashrama Mahasamsthana. When His Holiness Sri Tiruchi Mahaswamigal was asked why he chose Sri Jayendra Puri Swami as his successor, he said “Sri Jayendra Puri Swami is well educated and dedicated to Sadhana. Along with a thorough knowledge of the shastras, he carries on the tradition of the ashram with complete devotion. He is compassionate. He has concern for the poor and works for the welfare of everyone . He is calm and composed. He understands our sampradaya (spiritual lineage).” Everyone felt blessed to have witnessed their Guru’s ordinance in the form of a most worthy successor in Sri Jayendra Puri . Sri Jayendra Puri Seamiji has a special gift of the gab for languages and therefore he can speak in all the South Indian dialects, as well as Sanskrit and Hindi fluently .He has native fluency in English, German and Italian.

SRI SWAMIJIS MISSION AND WORK: Sri Mahaswamiji's conviction is that Bharatiya sanskriti is the panacea to all afflictions in all aspects of human life. Consequently, his sole aim is to revive the glorious heritage of Bhartiya sanskriti in its totality with due respect and regard for all other world cultures. His mission is to present the goodness of all the cultures to the entire mankind in such a manner that everyone respects the other tradition regardless of geographic, ethnic, linguistic or any other difference and finally to attain the Supreme in all glory. Towards this endeavour, he has chosen to pursue with vigour, chosen the elements, namely EDUCATION, ETHOS & ENVIRONMENT as imperative towards building a totally integral and holistic world. EDUCATION & ETHOS: He strongly believes that the successful way to building a ‘futuristic India “Bhavya Bharata Bhavishyam” and seeking to re-instate our glorious sanskriti & heritage is by developing an ethos that inculcates the dharmic values prescribed in Scriptures while simultaneously providing quality modern education with all necessary infrastructure. Going further, this opportunity needs to be provided to people of all classes irrespective of background and social strata. The Mahasamsthana is steadily endeavouring to bring this concept to reality over the past few decades. The Trust has nine educational institutions under its umbrella committed towards ensuring quality education to all.

The Sri Rajeshwari Vidyashala, Bengaluru, a Kannada medium school with a very minimal token fee structure operational since 1961. Sri Jnanakshi Vidyaniketan, Bengaluru, a CBSE English medium school; Sri Rajeshwari Montessori, Bengaluru; Shubodaya, Bengaluru, a school for the differently abled; Sri Rajeshwari Samskrita Vedagama Mahapathashala, Bengaluru, excellence in Vedic studies since 1974; Sri Rajeshwari Vidyaniketan, Devarapura, and a school for tribal children of coffee plantation workers in Coorg; Sri Sharada Devi Vidyasala. Salubrious environment created in each of these institutions brings forth the natural vitality of the children and allows them to explore their true potential not only in academics but also in fine arts, sports and other extra-curricular activities. Continuous care is taken by the Trust under the guidance of Swamiji to inculcate the dharmic values and morals through a vibrant use of the medium of fine arts. The schools have an energetic alumni who actively participate in the school and individual child development despite maintaining their own hectic schedules.The Mahasamsthana has been running Sri Rajarajeshwari Samskrita Mahapathashala since 1974 that has been providing an ideal atmosphere to train aspirants to become priests and monks well-versed in all Acharas (observances) & Niyamas (stipulations) of Vedas, Agamas & Shastras. One of the most enterprising and exhilarating elements of the Pathashala is the co- existence of Shaivite and Vaishnavite bramhacharis who pursue their own stream while living together under a single roof from a very young age of 7 years onwards. The opportunity to pursue their own sampradaya is a highly unusual trait and swamiji is personally involved in their education, monitoring and also conducting classes by allocating time from his ever hectic schedules. While educating a child is critical, the spreading of awareness of Bharatiya sanskriti and Sanatana Dharma to one and all is his of prime concern. The break-up of traditional joint family system leading to nuclear families and working parents has, over the passage of time, led to generations with limited, often imperfect understanding of the nuances of our Sanskrit language. The journal, Bhavya Bharata Bhavishyam or BBB, is an endeavour in this direction. The publications cover a range of domains from Hitopadesha –tales on moral values, to Granthas & Shastras elucidated by swamiji in simple language explaining complex matters of the mind and its myriad mysteries. Regular discourses on sacred texts like Sri Bhagavat Gita, Sri Devi Bhagvatam, Srimad Bhagvatam, Sri Ramacharita Manas, Atma Bodha are conducted by sri Seamiji to a wide interested audience across all age groups with a sole objective of seeding our ancient traditions and wisdom, particularly at Gundlukottur; Sri Rajeshwari Vidyaniketan, Hulkoti; and Sri Kailash Asrama Vedpathshala, Ravanasamudram. Teaching is meant to mould young minds, with a vision of a "Right Life" with apt opportunities for practice. In an effort to reach a wider audience of devotees spread all over the world, Sri Swamiji conducts daily Satsang on specific topics, relevant to today's environment and contemporary challenges. Topics ranging from conduct of one's life to addressing queries on rituals and practices to educating the audience on importance of faith and devotion to the Supreme. These Satsangs are recorded and uploaded onto the Mahasamsthana's YouTube channel on a regular basis accessible to all. The core message of all elucidation of Sri Seamiji is "not lose sight of one’s original identity in the pursuit of prosperity and glory coupled with adoption of several identities “ Devotees say that learning from Sri Swamiji is a truly divine and blessed experience as he teaches complex subjects in a simple and practical way making the seeker feel at home. He is well versed with the subject , quite erudite and has a characteristic way of presenting with simplified anecdotes.

ENVIRONMENT: Swamiji always conveys that Bharatiya Sanskriti has the concept of Vasudhaivakutumbakam as it’s firmament. That the universe comprises of many living and non-living elements which need to co-exist in harmony has been the core of this divine concept of creation. Disturbing the ways of Mother Nature has a debilitating consequence on the entire life forms. Humanity has a huge responsibility in not only maintaining this delicate balance but also in energetically re-inforcing the preserves of various life forms, flora, fauna across the land, air and water. Swamiji fosters the return of human consciousness to Mother Nature and her balance of manifestations. Towards this end, across all branches under his guidance, serious efforts are underway to practically implement organic farming while simultaneously spreading awareness in agriculturists about the consequences of over exploiting the farm land which leads to a life devoid of health and nutrition. Avoidance of chemical fertilisers and pesticides is strictly followed in the Ashrama and the abounding vegetation that one sees in the Ashrama testifies the success of these techniques. Visitors can have a visual feast in the Ashrama of the vermicompost, biogas, drip irrigation, rain water harvesting and water recycling resulting in a total rejuvenation of innumerable coconut trees. Many devotees have been inspired by swamiji to adopt a simple, organic and healthy diet with illustrative experiences of the efficacy of the same. Waste management and conversion of biodegradable waste, predominantly food & kitchen waste has been identified as an area of focus and has encouraged the Mahasamsthana and all its devotees in doing their bit towards environmental conservation. Converting organic waste into organic manure and preserving local environments by reducing landfills and associated civic issues has become a key concern for the organisation. Another illustrious example towards environment is the marked focus on renewable energy. Many establishments under the aegis of this institution invested on their roof top solar projects, grid connected or standalone units, generating and supplying the power to various establishments. Plastic waste, predominantly carry bags, accumulated in the institutions is meticulously collected and sent to recycling industries. He is very much clear in the concept of reduction of concrete constructions. He always presents alternatives which are in the form of sustainable constructions. He constantly encourages discussions in the field of alternative infrastructure and encourages practical implementations of the same where ever feasible. The Sri Shivaratnapuri Temple of Health, a tri-pyramidal abode of wellbeing, envisioned to reality by Swamiji is the first of its kind hospital in the world in the form of a pyramid offering multiple systems of medicine and therapies under one roof with a sole purpose of offering holistic health with an emphasis on prevention rather than having illness . So that freedom from medications as well as suffering by encouraging wellness. Constructed under his guidance to every detail, it is a 1/5th scaled replica of The Great Pyramid of Egypt and the first pyramidal construction in the world without steel or metal reinforcements. The construction is mind boggling, in sheer sweep, scale and structure, with regard to the concepts. One can only marvel at the tremendous fount of energy and vitality that Swamiji invests in such efforts which has a significant positive bearing on local environments. The devotees of Sri Kailash Ashrama Mahasamsthana are indeed blessed to be guided by His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Jayendra Puri Mahaswamiji, a glowing personality, radiating the tenets of Sanatana Dharma in all its glory to all mankind with the objective of achieving bliss for all through Bhakti (dedication) & Mukti (liberation). Swamiji is quite learned and yet very much approachable. I had several interactions on varied topics. His depth of knowledge and understanding is remarkable. He is a profound Devi Upasaka and Sri Vidya upasaka. He has published several books and contributed in publishing many spiritual books. The book “Tripura Rahasyam” a treatise on Devi and her magnificent role in creation is the greatest contribution. The temple Of Goddess Sri RajaRajeswari is very unique in many ways. The Rajagopuram , stone construction, large stone pillars gives a traditional hindu appearance and speaks the glory of our temple culture. The sanctum located at a height with goddess seated on looking the devotees makes it energetic and blissful. All around the other goddesses of Dasa Mahavidya were depicted in the perambulation corridor. Several rituals keep happening in the temple on a regular basis. The Ashram campus itself is quite serene and self-sufficient. The gardens behind, the Goshala , the pyramid meditation hall amidst greenery, the lush green fields cultivating vegetables, paddy and flowers, with birds chirping all the time and habitat for many animals adds to the natural beauty and classical atmosphere of a traditional ashram in the midst of the city.