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Brains Super Speciality Hospital

24/7 Helpline: +91 9148080000


Good memory is a boon but loss of memory can be a bane. Memory should be used to deal with the worldly affairs such as remembering the processes, methods, places to reach and subject matter to score marks. Beyond that, memory can cause equal interference in various physical and emotional aspects of a person. Nevertheless loss of essential memory can pose innumerable logistical issues to individuals and moreover to the caretakers. Though it is considered as a process of ageing, programmed rapid loss of neuronal function can result in Alzheimer’s. So in the event of life it is not only a regression but also reversal of evolution of brain function within the life span. This process will take them back to their own childhood demanding all the assistance and care that was provided at one time.

Paradoxically, it is a childhood in an adult body that creates lack of acceptance. Despite significant research, the degeneration of the neurons resulting from accumulation of “Tau” protein in the nerve cells will cause progressive decline in the neuronal abilities. There is a debate that it is inability to learn versus inability to retain the information aptly supporting selectively the recent memory loss.

In the relentless search for the causes clinicians have identified a variety of causes that leads to this intellectual decline. Some of them are treatable while others are controllable. Hence it is mandatory to evaluate every individual with suspected memory disturbances /Alzheimers to identify such treatable causes. In this context, Brains Super Speciality Hospital has launched an exclusive clinic for Alzheimer’s Disease which provides comprehensive evaluation, early diagnosis, investigations along with medical, surgical, cognitive and supportive treatments under one roof.

At Brains Super Speciality Hospital, we have a team of Neurologists & Neurosurgeons along with Neuro-rehab & Neuro-nutrition facilities to cater to any cases related to Alzheimer’s.

At our Alzheimer's & Dementia Clinic, we follow a comprehensive and holistic approach. The specialists start with detailed evaluation to find out even the rare and treatable causes of dementia through Autoimmune tests, Imaging for hidden cancer and advanced genetic testing. We have good success with Neurosurgery for Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus by Dr. NK Venkataramana who is one of the pioneers in this field.

Currently, more cases of Autoimmune and cancer related dementia are detected which are treatable with advanced immunotherapy using Rituximab and Cyclophosphamide. We take great care to avoid unnecessary medications and polypharmacy, which can cause delirium and complicate dementia cases.

We also have unique neuromodulation techniques using BDNF therapy through exercise prescription and Neuro-nutrition using Butyrate & TUDCA under the guidance of our senior Neurologist Dr. Joshy who has 40+ years of experience in this field.



09:00 AM TO 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM TO 08:00 PM

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